Onion Multishop

Trusted financial shopping of

We provide many categories of goods. We selected the best suppliers in a deep web and placed the best goods in one place so that you can buy it easily and with no any worries. We guarantee the quality by our name.

How it Works?

Please follow our rules and guides to make better experience of cooperation with us.

Selecting the best

We selected the best and safest products in a deep web, working directly with big fellas, which sell their stuff in a bulk, which is not available for regular people. We buy their products to sell to you.

Guarantees & Support

We are not carders or hackers. We are sellers. So we know how to communicate with customers and provide trading guarantees. Believe us you wouldn't want to contact real carders or criminal groups. We do it for you to provide best trading service.

Support and Guide

If you are cautious and smart - you can become wealthy person with us. If you are stupid and irrensponsible - you are *****ed. This business is not like "easy money". This busines is for serious people.

1 step

You choose the product you want to buy and click "Buy via Bitcoin" to pay.

2 step

Our managers will contact you by email to confirm all details of product and delivery

3 step

You receive the product and strongly follow our withdrawal guide.

Cloned and Prepaid Cards

Cloned cards are cheaper than Prepaid cards. But prepaid cards have guaranteed balance and can't be blocked. Otherwise you can find on the Cloned cards the balance even more than declared.

Western Union Transfers

We transfer money directly to your place via Western Union. It is great option for those who don't want to withdraw anything. And it is cheap.

Paypal Accounts

Here you find legit Paypal accounts for sale. You will get withdrawal guide how to use them safely.

Gift Cards

Our Amazon gift cards are totally safe. You can use it with your own legal account. They can't be blocked. They are actually clean.

We accept

We accept Bitcoin any other cryptocurrencies. If you want to pay via Bitcoin, then please use payment form on our website. If you want to pay via any of Altcoins, then just contact us on multishop@safe-mail.net

Contact Us

Have questions about service, please contact us.
